De Bouche à Oreille

De Bouche à Oreille 
® is a multidisciplinary clinic that includes Speech and Language Therapists, a Vocal Coach,
Psychologists and a Psychomotor Therapist. Our services are addressed to children, adolescents, and adults of all ages and cover:
  • Screening and prevention.
  • Assessment and diagnosis.
  • Individual therapy and rehabilitation.
  • Parental coaching and family guidance.
  • Support and treatment groups.
  • Vocal coaching and voice lessons.
  • Workshops and trainings.
  • Professional consultations and collaborations.
Intervention is available in French, English, and Arabic and is implemented in a clinical setting, but can also be conducted at home in specific cases. 
In addition, our therapists are committed to ensuring continuity of services in the midst of the COVID-19 era via teletherapy.

In therapy, we aim to:
  • Provide children, adolescents and adults with effective evidence based practices that can help them reach their potential and improve their skills.
  • Spread awareness of the different disorders and disabilities in order to promote an inclusive society free from discrimination and stigmatization.
  • Mobilize the family unit, the community, and the society on the importance of instilling appropriate accommodations that ensure a fully supportive and proactive environment.
In Vocal Coaching, we aim to:
  • Create a soothing environment for professional and amateur singers to discover their vocal potential and develop their talents.
  • Offer voice lessons with healthy and effective techniques that are based on evidence and research to allow singers to enhance their vocal range and resonance without experiencing any vocal fatigue.

Stephanie Younes

• Founder of De Bouche à Oreille

• Speech and Language Pathologist, MSc., Université Saint-Joseph, Lebanon

• Certified Vocal Coach, New York Vocal Coaching, New York, USA

• Lecturer, Supervisor of interns and academic year coordinator at the Higher Institute of Speech and Language Therapy, Université Saint-Joseph, Lebanon

Ghada Sinno

• Speech and Language Pathologist, MSc., Université Saint-Joseph, Lebanon

• Supervisor of interns at the Higher Institute of Speech and Language Therapy, Université Saint-Joseph, Lebanon

Yara Kebbe

• Speech and Language Pathologist, Université Saint-Joseph, Lebanon

• Masters in progress in Speech and Language Therapy, Université Saint-Joseph, Lebanon

Perla Waked

• Speech and Language Pathologist, MSc., Université Saint-Joseph, Lebanon

Sirine Beitamouni

• Psychomotor therapist, Msc., Université Saint-Joseph, Lebanon

Laetitia Youssef

• Speech and Language Pathologist, Université Saint-Joseph, Lebanon

• Masters in progress in clinical Neuropsychology and Neuroscience, Université lumière Lyon 2, France